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Resolving the adult weight dilemma
A webinar by Ellyn Satter
1.5 pre-approved Level III CEUs.This webinar provides 30 minutes for discussion with Ellyn Satter! It also includes a test to help you clarify your understanding.
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Health policy says to lose weight and keep it off. The weight dilemma is that it can’t be done! This webinar supports responsible weight-neutral intervention by reviewing research relative to weight, disease, and mortality. Health policy pathologizes normal weight by defining the normal weight cutoff at the median—BMI (Kg/M2) 24.9—and stating that it is better to lose and gain it back than not lose at all. One is reminded of the quandary of Sisyphus, who was condemned to an eternity of pushing a boulder up a mountain, only to have it roll down again.
- Investigate weight-neutral intervention and the evidence supporting it.
- Review the consequences of setting the overweight BMI cutoff at 24.9.
- Understand and have access to the BMI-related mortality and morbidity research.
- Consider the consequences of health policy on overweight and obesity.
The Satter Eating Competence Model in context
A webinar by Ellyn Satter
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1.5 pre-approved Level III CEUs from CDR.This webinar provides 30 minutes for discussion with Ellyn Satter! It also includes a nifty test to help you clarify your understanding.
How do your patients and students feel about eating? Do they enjoy it? Do they feel it is all right to enjoy eating? Or is there something decadent about eating in general and enjoying eating in particular? Can they trust themselves to eat as much as they want? Or are they afraid of losing control and eating way too much? (And how much is too much, anyway?) Do they feel, as in a test for binge eating, “At times I feel an unbearable hunger.” Have they gotten caught in dieting, like the folks that we address in the Treating the Dieting Casualty (TDC) workshop? Those folks can no longer diet, but they don’t know how to eat.
What about you? Are you feeling caught in the dieting world, and looking for a better way? This pre-TDC webinar introduces you to the possibilities of practicing in a kinder, gentler, more trusting way . . . and gives you the evidence to support it!
In this webinar, we sort it all out.
- How did we become so restrictive and prescriptive with our eating?
- Review the evidence that telling others (and ourselves) what and how much to eat doesn’t work.
- Consider the ecSatter alternative: trusting ourselves to eat as much as we want of food we enjoy.
- Imagine teaching and practicing based on ecSatter.
Prevent and solve your child feeding challenges with this 2-part webinar for parents.
Part One unlocks the mystery behind what drives your child’s eating behavior. You will learn how to apply this knowledge to teach your child to be a good eater and how Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding can be used to prevent and resolve your feeding challenges.
Part Two takes a deep dive into the keys to enjoyable family mealtimes even with picky eaters. You will learn how to respond to challenging mealtime behaviors in ways that are consistent with Satter’s Division of Responsibility and learn the steps to successful problem solving throughout your child’s growing up years.
Both Part One and Part Two provide ample time for your questions and answers.
A recording will be available at no additional fee if you have registered and are unable to attend one or both parts.
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Registration Fee of $25.00 includes the recording for both Parts. (For discount rates for classroom setting or multiple viewers, contact us as [email protected])
You will receive email confirmation on your registration with webinar access information within a few days of registering. If confirmation is not received, please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get that information to you right away.
There will be another presentation of ABCs of Child Feeding coming in November, 2019. Please subscribe to our mailing list for future notifications of upcoming events.
A county-wide obesity prevention strategy:
Speaking with one voice
Behavior change is facilitated when adults hear a consistent message from numerous sources, in various formats. Santa Clara County, CA Public Health Department’s Childhood Feeding Collaborative used this principle to coordinate Satter’s Division of Responsibility-based child feeding guidance across multiple systems serving families with young children. This one-hour webinar relates how the Childhood Feeding Collaborative advanced the goal of county-wide consistency of message by creating partnerships, training opportunities and support for pediatric healthcare providers, public health program providers, community-based health educators, and child care providers. Learn the steps to success, the challenges and barriers.
Child Overweight: Helping without Harming:
Feeding Dynamics and Eating Competence Based Prevention and Intervention
Child overweight can be prevented from birth with optimum, stage-related feeding based on Satter’s division of responsibility with feeding. Child weight acceleration can be neutralized by correcting feeding problems and restoring optimum feeding. Optimum feeding raises children to be competent eaters: To enjoy eating, to have positive food acceptance and food regulation skills, and to participate happily in family meals. This webinar talks about joining with parents where they are and establishing relationships that support the process of change. Case examples will be examined to illustrate how feeding dynamics impacts food regulation and growth as well as give practical grounding for primary and secondary assessment and intervention.
Early Weight Gain, Childhood Obesity, and Adult Disease Risk
Does (rapid) early weight gain cause adult disease and obesity? Does (rapid) early weight gain signal catchup growth or weight acceleration? This two-part webinar discusses research surrounding rapid early weight gain in infants and its implications for healthy growth and optimal weight.
The evidence base for the Satter Eating Competence Model
Constructs of the Satter Eating Competence model do not focus on specific foods or portion sizes and are thus out-of-step with traditional nutrition guidance. However, studies across age groups, socioeconomic position, and cultural perspectives reveal eating competence to be a global construct associated with personal health promotion, fewer cardiovascular risk factors, better dietary quality, food resource management skills, sleep quality, weight status, parent food behaviors, and decreased preschool child nutritional risk. The research-based evidence supporting nutrition education and counseling that are grounded in eating competence is robust and compelling. This webinar details this research and describes how to measure eating competence to assess your outcomes.
Raising special needs children to be competent eaters
The feeding goal for children with special needs is to help them grow up to be as competent as possible with eating. The perspective of the Satter Feeding Dynamics model is that all children have eating capabilities. Care providers can help best by looking for and supporting those capabilities, then letting children push themselves along to the greatest extent possible to manage their own eating. This principle applies to preventing feeding problems with at-risk children as well as solving feeding problems once they occur. For parents, trusting the child to do his/her part with eating makes all the difference between approaching feeding with dread, concern, and frustration or with confidence, practicality, and joy. This three-part webinar offers instruction, case studies, and research behind applying the Satter Feeding Dynamics model to feeding children with special needs.
The Division of Responsibility and Child Diabetes
Following the Division of Responsibility in Feeding when a child has type 1 diabetes — Is it possible? Can families have both joy and good diabetes management? Patty Nell Morse, decades-long specialist in child diabetes, talks about her journey from diabetes management by the numbers to addressing parenting with feeding.
School-age children and preadolescents:
Setting up assessment and treatment of eating/weight issues
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An informal, interactive, and experimental webinar for members of the ESI Clinical issues Facebook group. Working in the context of the Satter Eating Competence Model and the Satter Feeding Dynamics Model, we will address assessment: What information do you need to get and why? We will also touch on treatment: Should children be in or out of the room with parents?
A conversation with Ellyn Satter
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Ellyn Satter fields questions from callers about applying Feeding Dynamics, Division of Responsibility, Eating Competence, and more.