Resources and links
For professionals
Eating competence
Definition and evidence
- ecSI 2.0
- ecSI 2.0 in your clinical practice and research
- Counseling with the Satter Eating Competence Model
- Eat what you like and be healthy!
- Eating competence
- Eating competence: Context-management skills
- Eating competence: Eating attitudes
- Eating competence: food acceptance
- Eating competence: internal regulation
- Eating competence: putting it all together
- Satter Eating Competence Model evidence
- Satter’s hierarchy of food needs
- Satter’s work with eating
- Versions of internally regulated eating
Handouts and articles
- Adult eating and weight
- Are you tired of feeling bad about your eating?
- Celebrate National Family Day with a family dinner
- Counterfeit permission
- Emotional eating
- Family meals and snacks
- Feed yourself with love and good sense
- Mastering meals step-by-step
- Mastering meals curriculum
- Practicing nutritional judo
- Joy of Eating: Being a competent eater
- Picky eating in adults: How to help
- Size acceptance
- What hunger, appetite, and satiety feel like (PDF)
Books, videos, webcasts
Professional articles
- Satter EM. Eating Competence: definition and evidence for the Satter Eating Competence Model. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2007;39:S142-S153.
- Satter E. Hierarchy of food needs. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2007;39(Suppl):S187-188.
- Satter EM. Nutrition education with the Satter Eating Competence Model. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2007;39 (suppl):S189-S194.
- Lohse B, Satter E, Horacek T, Gebreselassie T, Oakland MJ. Measuring eating competence: psychometric properties and validity of the ecSatter Inventory. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2007;39(5 Suppl):S154-166.
- Stotts JL, Lohse B. Reliability of the ecSatter Inventory as a tool to measure eating competence. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2007;39(5 Suppl):S167-170.
- Psota TL, Lohse B, West SG. Associations between eating competence and cardiovascular disease biomarkers. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2007;39(5 Suppl):S171-178.
- Lohse B, Psota T, Estruch R, et al. Eating competence of elderly Spanish adults is associated with a healthy diet and a favorable cardiovascular disease risk profile. J Nutr. 2010;140(7):1322-1327.
- Lohse B, Bailey RL, Krall JS, Wall DE, Mitchell DC. Diet quality is related to eating competence in cross-sectional sample of low-income females surveyed in Pennsylvania. Appetite. 2012;58:645-650.
- Tilles-Tirkkonen T, Nuutinen O, Suominen S, Liukkonen J, Poutanen K, Karhunen L. Preliminary Finnish measures of eating competence suggest association with health-promoting eating patterns and related psychobehavioral factors in 10–17 year old adolescents. Nutrients. 2015;7:3828-3846.
- Quick V, Shoff S, Lohse B, White A, Horacek T, Greene G. Relationships of eating competence, sleep behaviors and quality, and overweight status among college students. Eat Behav. 2015;19:15-19.
- Greene GW, White AA, Hoerr SL, et al. Impact of an online healthful eating and physical activity program for college students. Am J Health Promot. 2012;27(2):e47-58.
- Clifford D, Linda A, Keeler LA, Gray K, Steingrube A, Neyman Morris M. Weight attitudes predict eating competence among college students. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal. 2010;39:184-193.
- Gormican A, Satter EM, Valentine J. Relationships of maternal weight gain, pre-pregnancy weight, and infant birth-weight. J Amer Diet Assoc. 1980;77:662-667.
Feeding children
Feeding dynamics definition and evidence
Division of responsibility in feeding and in activity
- Division of responsibility in feeding works for special needs
- Division of Responsibility Bookmarks
- Does following the division of responsibility mean you have to starve children to make them eat?
- Does the division of responsibility in feeding work in clinical care?
- Feeding neglected children mandates division of responsibility in feeding.
- Ellyn Satter’s division of responsibility in feeding
- Ellyn Satter’s división de la responsabilidad al alimentar (PDF)
- Ellyn Satter’s division of responsibility in activity
- Ellyn Satter’s La División de la Responsabilidad en la Actividad (PDF)
- Medication and the division of responsibility in feeding
- Trouble-shooting with the division of responsibility
Handouts and articles
- Adoptive and foster child feeding problems
- Child feeding ages and stages
- Childhood feeding problems
- Children’s eating and growth
- Developmental principles guiding feeding practices – Handout
- Developmental guidelines for feeding – Article
- Division of responsibility posters
- Family meals and snacks
- Feeding your child with love and good sense
- Helping without harming with child overweight
- How to feed your child: birth through adolescence
- How to get your child to eat
- Moves and counter-moves with feeding your child
- Picky eating: Born or made?
- Raise a healthy child who is a joy to feed
- Should you control portion sizes?
- Should you put your child on skim milk?
- Weight loss for children
Books, videos
- Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense
- Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II DVD (group, educational use)
- Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II DVD (individual private use)
- Feeding with Love and Good sense I DVD by Ellyn Satter
- Feeding With Love and Good Sense: The First Two Years
- Feeding With Love and Good Sense: 18 Months through 6 Years
- Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family: How to Eat, how to raise good eaters, how to cook
- Spanish Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II DVD (individual private use)
- Spanish Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II DVD (group, education use)
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without Harming
Professional Articles
- Satter E. Adjusting the Eneli et al. Feeding Dynamic Intervention to make it consistent with Satter feeding and eating models. Contemp Clin Trials. 2015;43:279-280.
- Satter E. Testing Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding in the context of restrictive snack management practices. American Journal of Clincal Nutrition. 2014;100:986-987.
- Lohse B, Satter E, Arnold K. Development of a tool to assess adherence to a model of the division of responsibility in feeding young children: using response mapping to capacitate validation measures. Child Obes. 2014;10(2):153-168.
- Satter EM. Promoting “healthy” food in the context of internal regulation of eating: Comment on Slusser et al. Child Obes. 2013;9:557-558.
- Satter E, Lohse B. The quest for children’s food acceptance. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2013;113:508-509.
- Lohse B, Satter E, Arnold KS. Satter Feeding Dynamics Inventory: Response mapping identified a valid tool to assess parent adherence to the division of responsibility in feeding young children. FASEB J. 2013;27:623.627.
- Danaher C, Fredericks D. Responsive feeding and the division of responsibility. J Nutr. 2012;142(1):134.
- Estes PR, Anchondo IM. Responsive Feeding and Satter’s Feeding Dynamic Models. J. Nutr. 2011;141:2095.
- Satter E. The Satter Feeding Dynamics Model of child overweight definition, prevention and intervention. In: O’Donahue W, Moore BA, Scott B, eds. Pediatric and Adolescent Obesity Treatment: A Comprehensive Handbook. New York: Taylor and Francis; 2007:287-314.
- Davies WH, Satter E, Berlin KS, et al. Reconceptualizing feeding and feeding disorders in interpersonal context: The case for a relational disorder. J Fam Psychol. 2006;20:409-417.
- Satter EM. Children, the feeding relationship, and weight. Maryland Medicine. 2004;Summer:26-28.
- Satter EM. A moderate view on fat restriction for young children. J Amer Diet Assoc. 2000(100):32-36.
- Satter EM. Internal regulation and the evolution of normal growth as the basis for prevention of obesity in childhood. J Am Diet Assoc. 1996;96:860-864.
- Satter EM. Feeding dynamics: Helping children to eat well. J Pediatr Health Car. 1995;9:178-184.
- Satter EM. The new paradigm of trust. Healthy Weight Journal. 1995;9(6):110-111.
- Satter EM. The feeding relationship: problems and interventions. The Journal of pediatrics. 1990;117:S181-S189.
- Satter EM. Childhood feeding problems. Feelings and Their Medical Significance: Ross Laboratories; 1990:6-10.
- Satter EM. Should the obese child diet? In: Clark KL, Parr RB, Castelli WP, eds. Evaluation and Management of Eating Disorders. Illinois: Life Enhancement Publications; 1988:61-75.
- Satter EM. The feeding relationship. J Am Diet Assoc. 1986;86:352-356.
- Satter EM. Childhood eating disorders. J Amer Diet Assoc. 1986;86:357-361.
Child weight and overweight
Articles and resources
- Child overweight: are current guidelines helpful? do they do harm?
- Childhood feeding problems
- Children who are obsessed with food
- Children’s eating and growth
- Doctors and weight: Helping without harming
- Early infant weight gain, obesity, and adult disease
- Helping without harming with child overweight
- Labeling overweight children as obese
- Overweight kids are not gluttons
- Primary intervention with growth
- Satter feeding dynamics model of child overweight
- Schools are not weight-loss camps
- Stop being hysterical about “obesity!”
- Talking with your child about weight
- Toddler who “can’t get filled up”
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming (Book)
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming (PDF)
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming Spanish (PDF)
- Weight loss for children
Books, webcasts, resources
- What to Do About Child Weight . . .and Why: WEBCAST by Ellyn Satter
- What to Do About Child Weight . . .and Why: PDF
- What to Do About Child Weight . . .and Why: ANNOTATED REFERENCES:
Child weight, nutrition policy, and the Satter models
- Child overweight: are current guidelines helpful? do they do harm?
- Countywide obesity prevention – speaking with one voice
- Helping without harming with child overweight
- Managing “junk” food AKA sweet, chips, sodas
- Prevention of child overweight in the community: Satter Feeding Dynamics Model (PDF)
- Prevention of child overweight in the school setting: Satter Feeding Dynamics Model (PDF)
- Primary intervention with growth
- Satter Feeding Dynamics Model of child overweight: Evidence basis
- Schools are not weight-loss camps
- Should you control portion sizes?
- Should you put your child on skim milk?
- Stop being hysterical about “obesity!”
Professional Articles
- Satter, E. Adjusting the Eneli et al. Feeding Dynamic Intervention to make it consistent with Satter feeding and eating models. Contemp Clin Trials 43: 279-80. 2015.
- Satter, E. Testing Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding in the context of restrictive snack management practices. Am J Clin Nutr. 100:986-987.
- Agras, W.S. et al. Improving healthy eating in families with a toddler at risk for overweight: A cluster randomized controlled trial. J Dev Behav Pediatr 33:529-534. 2012
- Eneli IU, Crum PA, Tylka TL. The Trust Model: A Different Feeding Paradigm for Managing Childhood Obesity. Obesity. 2008;16(10):2197-2204.
- Satter E. The Satter Feeding Dynamics Model of child overweight definition, prevention and intervention. In: O’Donahue W, Moore BA, Scott B, eds. Pediatric and Adolescent Obesity Treatment: A Comprehensive Handbook. New York: Taylor and Francis; 2007:287-314.
- Satter EM. Internal regulation and the evolution of normal growth as the basis for prevention of obesity in childhood. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1996;96:860-864.
Adult weight and overweight
Articles and resources
- Adult eating and weight
- Eating during pregnancy: provide, don’t deprive
- Emotional eating
- Holiday eating success story
- Joy of eating: Being a competent eater
- Pregnancy weight restriction: Harming without helping
- Preventing holiday weight gain
- Resolve the weight dilemma
- Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family
- Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family Appendix E: Energy balance and weight
- Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family Appendix D: BMI, mortality, morbidity, and health: resolving the weight dilemma
- Size acceptance
- Tired of feeling bad about your eating?
- What is normal eating?
Adult weight and nutrition policy and the Satter models
Professional articles
- Eating Competence: Definition and evidence for the Satter Eating Competence Model
- Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family: Part 1, “How to eat”
Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family Appendix D: BMI, mortality, morbidity, and health: resolving the weight dilemma
Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family Appendix E: Energy balance and weight
Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family Appendix L: Diet and degenerative disease: it’s not as bad as you think
Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family Appendix N: A primer on dietary fat
Food selection
The Satter models on food selection
- “Choosing food,” in Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family
- Control vs trust in nutrition education
- Eating competence and nutrition facts labels
- Eating competence: Context-management skills
- Eating competence: putting it all together
- Managing “junk” food AKA sweet, chips, sodas
- Mastering meals step by step
- Mastering meals step by step curriculum (PDF)
Nutrition policy and the Satter models
- Are you tired of feeling bad about your eating?
- Control vs trust in nutrition education
- Cultural issues in feeding
- Dietary Guidelines 2010 and eating competence
- Eat what you like and be healthy!
- Hierarchy of food need
- Managing “junk” food AKA sweet, chips, sodas
- Should you control portion sizes?
- Should you follow MyPlate?
- Should you put your child on skim milk?
- Stop being hysterical about “obesity!”
- The vegetable agenda: Getting children to eat “nutritious” food
- Theoretical underpinnings of feeding: Research, education, intervention
- USDA FNS child feeding policies and recommendations: what is the role for the division of responsibility in feeding?
Teaching materials
Teaching eating competence
- Adult eating and weight
- Counseling with the Satter Eating Competence Model
- Counterfeit permission
- Emotional eating
- Family meals and snacks
- Feed yourself with love and good sense
- Hierarchy of food need
- Joy of eating: Being a competent eater
- “How to eat,” in Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family
- Mastering meals step by step
- Mastering meals step by step curriculum
- Picky eating in adults: How to help
- Practicing nutritional judo
- Size acceptance
- Tired of feeling bad about your eating?
Buy Ellyn Satter’s book, Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family
Teaching feeding dynamics
- Child feeding ages and stages
- Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense
- Childhood feeding problems
- Children’s eating and growth
- Ellyn Satter’s division of responsibility in feeding (PDF)
- Ellyn Satter’s división de la responsabilidad al alimentar (PDF)
- Ellyn Satter’s division of responsibility in activity (PDF)
- Ellyn Satter’s La División de la Responsabilidad en la Actividad (PDF)
- Family meals and snacks
- “Feeding is parenting,” in Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense
- Feeding with Love and Good Sense: 18 Months through 6 Years
- Feeding with Love and Good Sense: The First Two Years
- Feed your child with love and good sense
- Helping without harming with child overweight
- “How to feed,” Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family Part 2
- How to feed your child: birth through adolescence
- How to get your child to eat
- Moves and counter-moves with feeding your child
- Raise a healthy child who is a joy to feed
- Should you control portion sizes?
- Trouble-shooting with the division of responsibility
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming (PDF)
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming Spanish (PDF)
Buy Ellyn Satter’s book, Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense
Developing your materials
Translated handouts and video
- Ellyn Satter’s división de la responsabilidad al alimentar (PDF)
- Ellyn Satter’s La División de la Responsabilidad en la Actividad (PDF)
- Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II DVD (group programming or teaching)
- Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II DVD (individual private use)
- Spanish and English Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II Waiting Room DVD
- Evitando la Presión (PDF)
- Helping children be good eaters provider guidelines Spanish
- Nutriendo a los Niños en la Escuela
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming Spanish (PDF)
Translated from Ellyn Satter’s Feeding in Primary Care: Pregnancy through Preschool. PDFs of Vietnamese translations made available at no cost for free handout by Ellyn Satter. Special thanks to the Childhood Feeding Collaborative, Santa Clara County Public Health Department, for translation.
- Child-friendly feeding tips
- Feed the way your child can eat
- How to feed your baby
- How to feed your older baby solid foods
- Solid foods, step by step
- How to feed your almost-toddler
- How to feed your toddler
- How to feed your preschooler
- How to handle the picky eater
- Is your baby too big? Does she eat too much?
- Is your baby too small? Does he not eat enough?
- Is your child too big? Does he eat too much?
- Is your child too small? Does he not eat enough?
Buy Ellyn Satter’s book, Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family
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Explore Ellyn Satter’s books, booklets, videos, and teaching materials. For descriptions and purchase information, click here.
Clinical practice
- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) position statement, ”Lipid screening and cardiovascular disease in children”
- ARFID: What is it? What does it have to do with feeding dynamics and eating competence?
- Big babies do not become obese
- Catchup growth: Normal for premature babies
- Children who are obsessed with food
- Court-ordered placement for child obesity: what can you do to help?
- Doctors and weight: Helping without harming
- Does following the division of responsibility mean you have to starve children to make them eat?
- Does the division of responsibility in feeding work in clinical care?
- Early infant weight gain, obesity, and adult disease
- Feeding neglected children mandates division of responsibility in feeding.
- Helping without harming with child overweight
- Labeling overweight children as obese
- Medication and the division of responsibility in feeding
- Satter feeding dynamics model of child overweight
- Setting the stage for telling parent’s assessment results
- Should you control portion sizes?
- The child on psychotropic medication
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without Harming Appendix E: Assessment of feeding/growth problems
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without Harming Appendix F: Treatment of feeding/growth problems
- Weight loss for children
Child assessment
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming Appendix E: “Assessment of feeding/growth problems”
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming Appendix F: “Treatment of feeding/growth problems”
- Understanding and using z scores to track children’s growth
- Webinar: School-age children and preadolescent assessment and treatment of eating/weight
- Adult eating and weight
- Advice for an undergraduate dietitian: Practicing ecSatter
- ARFID: What is it? What does it have to do with feeding dynamics and eating competence?
- Control vs trust in nutrition education
- Counseling with the Satter Eating Competence Model
- Counterfeit permission
- Dieting and mental health
- Eating competence and nutrition facts labels
- Eating competence: internal regulation
- Eating during pregnancy: provide, don’t deprive
- Emotional eating
- Picky eating in adults: How to help
- Picky eating: The adult dilemma
- Practicing nutritional judo
- Pregnancy: 3 Weight restriction, harming without helping
- Preventing holiday weight gain
- Resolve the weight dilemma
- Should you control portion sizes?
- Size acceptance
- Versions of internally regulated eating
- What does eating competence research say about eating disorders?
- You can learn to enjoy vegetables
ESI position statements
- Feeding to prevent child weight acceleration: an Ellyn Satter Institute Position Statement
- Eating management as a part of medical nutrition therapy for children with diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance
- Eating management as a part of medical nutrition therapy for adults with diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance
- Eating management as a part of medical nutrition therapy for children with cystic fibrosis
ESI webinars
- Child overweight: helping without harming: Feeding dynamics and eating competence based prevention and intervention
- Conversation with Ellyn Satter
- County-wide obesity prevention strategy: Speaking with one voice
- Division of responsibility in feeding and child diabetes
- Early weight gain, childhood obesity, and adult disease risk
- Evidence base for the Satter Eating Competence Model
- Preventing child overweight and obesity: Raising children to be competent eaters
- Raising special needs children to be competent eaters
- School-age children and pre-adolescents: Setting up assessment and treatment of eating/weight issues
Schools and communities
Handouts, videos
- Nurturing children at school
- Nutriendo a los Niños en la Escuela
- Children and their eating: Ellyn Satter’s guidelines on school nutrition (PDF)
- Healthy eating at school
- Packing a good-tasting and filling school lunch
- Prevention of child overweight in the school setting
- Provide, don’t deprive, at school
- School nutrition horror stories
- Schools are not weight-loss camps
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming (PDF)
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming Spanish (PDF)
- Comfortable Cafeterias (Video)
Child care, preschool, Head Start
Nutrition policy and the Satter models
- Appendix G, Your Child’s Weight, “Feeding and parenting in the school setting.”
- Child overweight: are current guidelines helpful? do they do harm?
- Control vs trust in nutrition education
- Countywide obesity prevention – speaking with one voice
- Cultural issues in feeding
- Eat what you like and be healthy!
- Helping without harming with child overweight
- Hierarchy of food need
- Managing “junk” food AKA sweet, chips, sodas
- Nurturing children at school
- Nutriendo a los Niños en la Escuela
- Prevention of child overweight in the community: Satter Feeding Dynamics Model (PDF)
- Prevention of child overweight in the school setting: Satter Feeding Dynamics Model (PDF)
- Primary intervention with growth (PDF)
- Satter Feeding Dynamics Model of child overweight: Evidence basis (PDF)
- Should you put your child on skim milk?
- Stop being hysterical about “obesity!”
- Theoretical underpinnings of feeding: Research, education, intervention (PDF)
- USDA FNS child feeding policies and recommendations: what is the role for the division of responsibility in feeding?
- The vegetable agenda: Getting children to eat “nutritious” food
Professional education
Workshops and keynotes
- Child overweight: helping without harming: Feeding dynamics and eating competence based prevention and intervention
- Conversation with Ellyn Satter
- County-wide obesity prevention strategy: Speaking with one voice
- Division of responsibility in feeding and child diabetes
- Early weight gain, childhood obesity, and adult disease risk
- Evidence base for the Satter Eating Competence Model
- Raising special needs children to be competent eaters
- School-age children and preadolescents: Assessment and treatment of eating/weight issues