Resources and links for the public
Eaters and feedersFeed your child with love and good sense
Feed your child wisely and well
How to feed your child
- Avoid pressure
- Evitando la Presión
- Avoid restriction
- Baby-led weaning
- Breastfeeding hullabaloo
- Child feeding ages and stages
- Children’s eating and growth
- Childhood feeding problems
- Family-friendly feeding tips
- Family meals in restaurants
- Moves and counter-moves with feeding your child
- Pureed food in pouches: boon or bane?
- Should you put your child on skim milk?
- Sticky topic of Halloween candy
Ill and special needs children
- Adoptive and foster child feeding problems
- Division of responsibility in feeding works for special needs
- Medication and the division of responsibility in feeding
- Position statement: Eating management as a part of medical nutrition therapy for children with diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance
- Position statement: Eating management as a part of medical nutrition therapy for children with cystic fibrosis
Pediatric feeding disorders: Ingrained feeding issues
Books and videos
- Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense
- Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family: How to Eat, how to raise good eaters, how to cook
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without Harming
- Feeding With Love and Good Sense: The First Two Years
- Feeding With Love and Good Sense: 18 Months through 6 Years
- Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II DVD (individual private use)
- Spanish Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II DVD (individual private use)
- Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II DVD (group, educational use)
- Spanish Ellyn Satter’s Feeding with Love and Good Sense II DVD (group, education use)
- Feeding with Love and Good sense I DVD by Ellyn Satter
Help with feeding
Be wise about weight
- Children who are obsessed with food
- Children’s eating and growth
- “Overweight” child
- “Overweight” kids are not gluttons
- Talking with your child about weight
- Toddler who “can’t get filled up”
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming (PDF)
- Your Child’s Weight: Helping without harming Spanish (PDF)
- Your child will grow up to get the right body
- Adult eating and weight
- Eating during pregnancy: provide, don’t deprive
- Emotional eating
- Holiday eating success story
- Joy of eating: Being a competent eater
- Pregnancy weight restriction: Harming without helping
- Resolve the weight dilemma
- Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family: How to eat, how to raise good eaters, how to cook
- Size acceptance
Help with addressing your weight and your child's weight
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Enjoy family meals and snacks
Family meals and snacks
Mastering Meals Step by Step
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School, preschool, child care
- Children and their eating: Ellyn Satter’s guidelines on school nutrition
- Comfortable Cafeterias (Video)
- Family-friendly feeding tips
- Healthy eating at school
- Nurturing children at school
- Nutriendo a los Niños en la Escuela
- Packing a good-tasting and filling school lunch
- Provide, don’t deprive, at school
- School nutrition horror stories
- Schools are not weight-loss camps