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Exam for Your Child’s Weight


Your Child’s Weight Self-Study Exam

Three separate online, open-book tests of Ellyn Satter’s Your Child’s Weight Helping without Harming.  All exams are purchased and taken separately.  You must order and successfully complete them sequentially.  You do not, however, need to complete all exams.  You will receive a Certificate of Completion with designated Level III CEUs from the Commission on Dietetic Registration upon each successful exam.  You may find exam descriptions below in Details.

  • Part I    Primary Care Applications –  Feeding dynamic principles & practice as they apply to children’s high weight, overweight and/or obesity in primary care.                             20 CEUs  
  • Part II    Assessment & Treatment of Trevor – Assessment and treatment planning for child overweight.    25 CEUs
  • Part III   Assessment & Treatment of Hazel – Treatment for child overweight.                                                15 CEUs
SKU: YCW CEU GRP Category:

Completion of these exams demands your thorough reading and enhances your understanding of Your Child’s Weight and helps you to: 

  • Clearly understand and apply child overweight intervention based on ecSatter and fdSatter.
  • Work through the steps of an assessment as described in Your Child’s Weight Appendix E.
  • Set up a treatment plan as described in Your Child’s Weight Appendix F.
  • Follow a family to institute Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding. 

These exams will be delivered to your e-mail address via a Survey Monkey link after your order is processed.

Part I - Feeding dynamic principles & practice as they apply to children's high weight, overweight and/or obesity in the primary care.  

  • This self-study section is primary intervention.  It is designed to evaluate your understanding of feeding dynamic principles and practices as it applies to a child's weight and/or weight acceleration.  The exam is ideal for WIC and Head Start professionals, early childhood educators or nutrition professionals who often see clients for single or once-in-a-while education sessions.  This sections needs to be completed successfullly before moving on to Part II or Part III.

Part II - Assessment and treatment planning for child overweight.

  • This self-study section focuses on detailed assessment and treatment planning that would be part of secondary intervention.  This section will allow the professional to test their knowledge and skill of the multi-disciplinary assessment and treatment planning process using the Satter models for assessment and treatment planning.  This setion needs to be completed successfully before moving on to Part III.

Part III - Treatment for child overweight.

  • This third self-study section focuses on implementation of the treatment plan.  The section requires the professional to identify interventions included in secondary treatment of weight acceleration.  It also assesses the professional's understanding of when tertiary referral is appropriate.

Upon successful completion of an exam, you will receive a completion certificate suitable for submission to the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR).  Please note that ESI does not submit this information for you.  You are responsible for ensuring that your CEUs are correctly registered.

Recommended CDR Performance Indictors/Learning Objectives:
9.1.2 Identifies and works to minimize and overcome barriers to learning.
9.1.3 Identifies and analyzes factors that influence behavioral change.
9.1.4 Evaluates factors that influence the learning process and skill building.

Recommended CDR Learning Need Codes:

4150: Infancy & Childhood
5000: Medical Nutrition Therapy
5070: Pediatrics
4000: Wellness and public health

Inquiries may be directed to [email protected]

Additional information

Weight 13 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 11 × 12 in


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