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sDOR.2-6y Inventory: Qualifying Workshop


A Workshop for Professionals by Jennifer Harris, RDN, LD, CEDS-C

Nutritionists and health professionals have long depended on the Satter Division of Responsibility in Feeding (sDOR) as an effective and practical way to help parents be successful with feeding and raise children who eat well.  The sDOR.2-6yTM Inventory is an evaluation tool measuring adherence to Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding model (sDOR) as well as nutritional risk in children. 

Learn how to score, interpret, and use the Inventory in practice. Case scenarios are included to enhance experiential learning.

Practitioners and educators are required to obtain permission to use this assessment instrument. Completion of this workshop, including the quiz and application, meets this requirement. 


Watch at your convenience, take the test when you have time.   Purchasing below takes you to our automated system.  If new to the Teachable platform, enrolling is free.  Please direct inquiries to [email protected]

This webinar is approved for 2.0 Level II CEUs from the Commission on Dietetic Registration.


Although clinical experience has shown that sDOR works, we now have a questionnaire, sDOR.2-6yTM Inventory, that can prove its effectiveness.  After a decade of rigorous testing, the last link in the chain of evidence gives parents and professionals an achievable way to measure and address their biggest feeding worry: that children are doing well nutritionally – the sDOR.2-6yTM Inventory. The inventory was published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (2021; 53:211−222).

The sDOR.2-6yTM Inventory is composed of 12 simple questions that you can ask parents to assess how they are doing implementing feeding following Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding. The assessment can be completed in minutes, and it helps you identify what specific aspects of feeding to address. The inventory has also been validated for low-income populations.

In order to use this tool in clinical practice and education, professionals need to complete training and apply for permission use. This workshop simplifies the permission process and reduces the costs to gain access to the sDOR.2-6yTM Inventory.

By completing the workshop, you’ll become familiar with the tool, practice scoring it, and learn how to focus your time and energy in session to help clients improve their feeding. Case studies are included to illustrate the process.

Steps for obtaining permission to use the sDOR.2-6yTM Inventory include:

  • Viewing the recorded virtual workshop
  • Passing the quiz
  • Completing the application, including the Critical Reflection tool.

Completing this process gives the learner lifetime access to use the tool along with access to the recorded workshop and all materials for 3 years. You'll have access to the English version of the tool as well as translated versions that are currently available.

Each clinician in an organization is required to complete these steps in order to use the tool in practice.

Group, student and equity discounts are available by writing to [email protected].


As a result of completing the sDOR.2-6y™ Inventory: Qualifying Workshop you will be able to:

  1. Understand the development and testing process of the sDOR.2-6y™ tool.
  2. Understand how the sDOR.2-6y™ tool informs primary, secondary and nutrition education interventions.
  3. Learn how to administer, score, and interpret the sDOR.2-6y™ tool.
  4. Be able to begin using the sDOR.2-6TM Inventory in your clinical and public health practices.


Possible CDR Performance Indicator(s):

Sphere 9: Education and Counseling

9.2:  Establishes, develops, and implements program outlines and learning plans to meet the needs of individuals, groups, communities and populations.

            9.2.1:  Evaluates learning needs of individuals and target groups.

            9.2.4:  Collaborates with learnings and colleagues to formulate specific, measurable and attainable objectives and goals.

9.5:  Evaluates the achieved learning and delivery methods when delivering education to individuals, groups, and populations.

            9.5.1 Develops and uses evaluation instruments to assess education outcomes.

9.6: Applies behavior theories in nutrition counseling.

            9.6.8 Develops counseling or coaching goals in collaboration with clients.

Additional information

Weight 13 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 11 × 12 in


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