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Feeding with Love and Good Sense: The First Two Years – Free 1st Chapter


A good feeding relationship with your child starts at day one and makes all the difference between joy or struggle in feeding. This brief, beautiful, compact, engaging booklet gets today’s busy parents off to a good and authoritative start with feeding.

SKU: FWLGS 0-2 PDF WRS Category:

Raise a healthy child who is a joy to feed. Ellyn Satter, leading authority on child nutrition and feeding, tells you how. Focus on rewarding family meals and nurturing your child’s positive feelings about eating, not on what or how much s/he eats. Your child will grow well and, sooner or later, eat almost everything you eat. This beautiful and engaging booklet helps you recognize and understand stages in development, trust and enjoy your child, choose developmentally and nutritionally appropriate food, and parent in the best way. Tells what to do in words and pictures, and shows why to do it with examples and feeding stories from other parents.

Feeding with Love and Good Sense: 18 Months through 6 Years provides supportive, concise, accessible, and authoritative parent guidance relative to feeding and parenting. Appropriate for medical and educational settings, health care, public health, mental health, and public service.

6th grade reading level.
40 pages
Full color, photos


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