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happy boy at meal

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Give to the Ellyn Satter Institute

Your gift can bring joyful eating to children and adults around the world

What if you could help people everywhere find a lasting solution to their eating and feeding struggles—something that would improve the quality of daily life, children’s chances of success in the world, people’s overall health and well-being? The Ellyn Satter Institute teaches this simple yet magical solution. It’s a combination of trust-centered feeding provided through family meals.

Every year the Ellyn Satter Institute helps tens of thousands of parents, grandparents, children, teens, adults, and health professionals by providing feeding and eating knowledge, perspective, and understanding that they just can’t get anywhere else. From the emails you send us, we know you really appreciate the advice and support we provide. You tell us we make a real difference in your lives.

The Ellyn Satter Institute is a nonprofit health organization established in 2009 by founder Ellyn Satter. It is through the work of a core group of volunteers that the Institute became — and continues to be — the #1 website devoted to joyful eating for children and adults. Though much of our funding comes from material sales and educational offerings, the Ellyn Satter Institute depends on the generous support of outside organizations and individuals to create its award-winning educational content for families and healthcare professionals.

A gift you can be proud of

By giving to the Ellyn Satter Institute, you can make sure there will always be a place online that people can trust for expert feeding advice for themselves — and their kids. Your support will help create ongoing educational programs and materials for families and health professionals.

Help us help others bring joy to eating

Give today by clicking the link below. Your gift is tax-deductible and if you choose, your donation can honor a friend or family member. Our secure online form makes it easy and safe to support the Ellyn Satter Institute. To view our Annual Report click hereThank you!

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Donation Total: $100

Our Sponsors

Thank you to our Sponsors and their generous donations.  Their support allows us to continue providing parents and professionals with excellent guidance and training in eating and feeding competence.


Eunice & Bruce Bassler

Carol Danaher

Ellyn Satter

Eve Reed

Frances Zorn

Jennifer Harris

Cristen Harris

Keira Oseroff






Janet DaPrato

Eunice & Bruce Bassler

Amy Thomas

Nina Dougherty

Joanna Popwicz

JoAnn Whipple

Sherri Gartner

Patricia Leininger

Alexia Beauregard

Carol Danaher

Ellyn Satter

Eve Reed

Frances Zorn

Jennifer Harris

Cristen Harris




Janet DaPrato

Eunice & Bruce Bassler

Victoria Nelson

Nina Dougherty

Patty Nell Morse

Alexia Beauregard

Anne Blocker

Carol Danaher

Ellyn Satter

Eve Reed

Frances Zorn

Jennifer Harris

Annie Buffington

Keira Oseroff

Maya Rams Murthy

Rebeca Hernandez



Janet DaPrato

JoAnn Whipple

Eunice & Bruce Bassler

Frances Henderson

Bette Bakke

Louis van Velsor

Gregory Jamrok

Elizabeth Wells

Jessie van Mourik

Alexia Beauregard

Anne Blocker

Carol Danaher

Cristen Harris

Ellyn Satter

Eve Reed

Frances Zorn

Jennifer Harris

Annie Buffington

Rebeca Hernandez


Allora MacMahon

Ann Thompson

Carolyn Andres

Carrie Brondyke

Carrie Lutter

Danielle Shea Tan

Janet DaPrato

Jill Migicovsky

JoAnn Whipple

Josephine Solize

Karen Davis

Karen Robinson

Kimberly Heugele

Brian Stoler & Elizabeth Jardin

Nancy Lannan

Paula Duggins

Sarah Sha

Eunice & Bruce Bassler

Alexia Beauregard

Anne Blocker

Carol Danaher

Cristen Harris

Ellyn Satter

Eve Reed

Frances Zorn

Kerry Regnier

Jennifer Harris

Nancy Stoer

Patty Nell Morse

Peggy Crum

Praise for the Ellyn Satter Institute’s work

What is nothing short of miraculous is hearing a child with a phobia of food ask what I’m cooking and to remark about how good it smells, or take a green pepper ring and turn it into glasses or a mustache. When he feels ready, he tries new foods. For everyone in this family, for the first time in years, there is something better than fear on our table. We have hope.  


Every day, as a pediatric dietitian, I listen to parents’ stories of picky eating, fights around the table, and emotional roller coasters at mealtime. I myself struggled for 3 years to feed a child labeled as “failure to thrive.” We put him on a hospital-based protocol, forcibly placing food in his mouth. When he sank below 5th percentile for weight, I took the risk to begin division of responsibility. Within 4 months, he was at 25th percentile. By age 8, he was at 45th. I now help other parents accept their children and their eating styles for what they are. 


My busy 2-year-old boy has become a child who eagerly eats a variety of foods and will eat most everything we prepare for him. Our friends are amazed at how pleasant he is at the table. I am so thankful for the joy and relaxation we are able to experience at our family meals, and I know it is due to the fact that we are following Ellyn’s philosophy.


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Donation Total: $100

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